About Us
![]() The Newark Valley Historical Society preserves and interprets the past of Newark Valley, Northern Tioga County and New York. The Society operates two historic sites and a nature trail:
The Bement-Billings Farmstead is a living history museum which interprets domestic life, agricultural practices, and the natural environment of the early 1800's. Click here for a map to the Farmstead. The NV Railroad Depot is the site of our Depot Friday Nights entertainment series and other community activities. Click here for a map to the Depot. Do join us for Tours of the Farm House on
Saturdays and Sundays, July - September, Noon - 4:00am (& by appointment), and for our incredible Apple Fest the first Saturday and Sunday of October, 10:00am - 5:00pm! |
Join the Newark Valley Historical Society today!
Members receive free admission to the Bement - Billings Farmstead Museum (excluding festivals) and our newsletters, and are welcome to join our guilds: Black Powder, Blacksmith, Cooking/Guides, Jane Bement Arts, Shuttles & Spindles, and Woodwrights. Your membership dollars help us keep history alive by offering school tours at the Bement-Billings Farmstead Museum and Depot Museum; Apple Festival; Depot Friday Nights; and other public programs. Click here for Membership Form Volunteers
Volunteers at the Newark Valley Historical Society have the opportunity to learn about the past in a living history setting, study 19th century skills, work with groups of children and adults, and make new friends. Behind the scenes activities include office support, care of collections, and committee work. Our volunteer staff operates year round. Volunteers Opportunities Include
We welcome donations to honor someone, for a particular purpose, or for general use. Donate Online or Donation checks can be sent to: Newark Valley Historical Society PO Box 222 Newark Valley, NY 13811 Links you may find interesting. Link to our historic marker. A two-minute introductory film by PBS |
Our Team Has a
Since 1977
What People Are Saying
Jim Tornatore
"Our Newark Valley Historical Society is a "destination" for those who are young at heart. The Bement-Billings Homestead is an historical wonder of our past post Revolutionary period and after. The Summer Events at the historic Depot, the acreage surrounding the Homestead. A truly "living" part of History."